Trump travel ban: Judge expands definition of 'close relative'

Trump travel ban: Judge expands definition of 'close relative'

In response to President Trumps reinstated travel ban on refugees from 6 Muslim majority countries, Derrick Watson, a judge from Hawaii, has ruled against one of its components. President Trump's restriction allowed for close family members from these countries to visit their relatives in the United States. However, his definition of "close family members" did not include grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, etc. Watson ruled that this interpretation was too narrow, and ordered that these restrictions shouldn't be enforced, calling the rule "unduly restrictive." This ruling is a bold legal blow against his often criticized immigration crackdown. Even though this judge is only located in Hawaii, his actions will have far reaching effect, as he is one of 700 judges in the district courts- a part of the federal system.

This article is worth reading because it shows how the government is balanced between legislative, judicial, and executive powers. The system of checks and balances helps keep too much power away from the hands of one person.


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