
Showing posts from July, 2017

RE: Leon's Blog About the Government ("Blog Stage 5") Blog Stage #6

I find the insight Leon has provided on the recent issues and scandals in the government as very true. Both the attempts to repeal Obamacare and President Trump's tweets against transgenders in the military show controversial actions further polarizing the Democratic and Republican parties. I also agree with his point that we will be stuck in political deadlock for the next four years. Even right now with a Republican majority congress and Republican president, many legislative actions have still been stopped in their tracks. For example, Leon even provided the instance of the failure to repeal Obamacare's bill. It is also likely that in the 2018 midterms, a Democratic majority congress may occur, causing even more deadlock with the political divide between the president and congress.

Global Warming Commentary (Blog Stage 5)

Imagine the maps of the world we see every day in the classroom. Now imagine these maps being inaccurate due to a sudden rise in sea levels, resulting in countless wars over land, shelter, and resources. This may seem like some sort of dystopian future, but it is reality if we don’t take steps to prevent climate change. This problem becomes harder and harder to solve as time goes on, making it a threat to security, resources, and happiness. Now, it rests upon our shoulders to mitigate the progression of climate change, because adaption will only take us so far. A successful push for governmental regulation on carbon emission and day to day steps to limit one’s carbon footprint will go a long way in securing the world’s future. According to Science Advances , a  multidisciplinary open-access scientific journal, the globe's average temperature could raise “between 4.78C to 7.36C by 2100, based on one set of calculations”. Those that see this statistic dismiss it as something easy t...

Commentary #2: The Unbelievable Hypocrisy Of Free Speech Conservatives

The Unbelievable Hypocrisy Of Free Speech Conservatives Points out how Republican "free speech crusaders" did nothing when trump tightened restrictive laws on the media and EPA Points out Rod Dreher's hypocrisy vs SJW and trump Quotes how Jared Kushner wanted CNN reporters fired to prove trumps bad relation to media Pointed out that Conservatives are trying to pass voter ID suppression laws Conclude: Trump and his supporters are accelerating towards an unjust suppressed society while focusing on other issues. In his blog post "The Unbelievable Hypocrisy of Free Speech Conservatives," Jim Sleeper accuses Trump supporters along with the Republican party of hypocrisy regarding their attitudes on free speech. Sleeper is primarily addressing a liberal audience, one where he can address the flaws in their politically correct culture while unveiling the injustice of the Republican party. He calls this hypocrisy part of a symptom of a sickness that " elevate...
Commentary: Is Resisting Trump Enough? In his commentary Is "Resisting Trump Enough?", Chris Weigant describes the public perception that the democratic party has no base and is currently existing to oppose Trump. Weigant analyzes the benefits and downfalls of this situation and suggests the best course of action for the party. Chris Weigant is a political commentator for the left leaning Huffington Post, so while he may have some political bias, he is credible to analyze the circumstances regarding the democratic party. His intended audience is primarily intended to be concerned democratic voters as he references the upcoming 2018 midterms. First, Weigant creates the basis for his argument: he claims that the democratic party is seen as a party sole opposing Trump - not one that stands for anything else. He provides evidence of this, referring to a poll question asking whether the democratic party has something to stand for. According to this poll, only 37% of people be...

Trump travel ban: Judge expands definition of 'close relative'

Trump travel ban: Judge expands definition of 'close relative' In response to President Trumps reinstated travel ban on refugees from 6 Muslim majority countries, Derrick Watson, a judge from Hawaii, has ruled against one of its components. President Trump's restriction allowed for close family members from these countries to visit their relatives in the United States. However, his definition of "close family members" did not include grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, etc. Watson ruled that this interpretation was too narrow, and ordered that these restrictions shouldn't be enforced, calling the rule "unduly restrictive." This ruling is a bold legal blow against his often criticized immigration crackdown. Even though this judge is only located in Hawaii, his actions will have far reaching effect, as he is one of 700 judges in the district courts- a part of the federal system. This article is worth reading because it shows how the governm...